Project :  React and Django Deployment app through Docker

Project : React and Django Deployment app through Docker


2 min read

Complete Steps blews with Hands-On

Launched an EC2 instance on AWS and installed Ubuntu and Update it

apt-get update

Install Docker into Local system

apt-get install -y

Check Docker status

service docker status

Create A Directory go inside it

mkdir <directory_name>
cd <directory_name>

Do Git Clone

git clone <repo_url>
url  < >

Now Do ls and create Dockerfile

vi Dockerfile

Inside the DockerFile write all dependency

FROM python:3.9
COPY . /app
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
CMD ["python","","runserver",""]

Now execute the Dockerfile and Create Images from Dockerfile

docker build . -t <new_image_name>

Now Check Docker Images

docker images

Now Create a Container From Docker New Image and mapped the port with 8001

docker run -td --name <container_name> -p port:port <image_name>

Now Open AWS account and Add Rule in Security Group and open port 8001

Now Copy The PubliC Ip Of Ec2

Now Hit copy Ip address to Google with port Now our Task is working

Now Push This container To Docker-Hub

Now check Docker Container

docker ps -a
docker ps

Now Create Docker Images from the Latest Docker Container

docker commit <container_name> <new_image_name>

Now Check Docker Image

docker images

Now Login Docker-Hub with user name and password

docker login
ddocker tag <images_name> <docker-Hub_user_id>/<tag_name>ocker tag <images_name> <docker-Hub_user_id>/<tag_name>

Give a tag to these images

docker tag <images_name> <docker-Hub_user_id>/<tag_name>

Push the Docker image to Docker Hub using the docker push command.

docker push <image_name> <docker-Hub_user_id>/<tag_name>

Now verify it with your docker hub account:

Finally our Image push to Docker Hub

Login Docker Hub

********************************Thank You***************************************