Day 21 Task: Docker Important interview Questions.

Day 21 Task: Docker Important interview Questions.


14 min read

  1. What is the Difference between an Image, Container and Engine?

An image, a container, and an engine are all related to containerization technology. Here are their definitions and differences:

  • Image: An image is a lightweight, stand-alone, executable package that contains everything needed to run an application. It includes the code, libraries, dependencies, and other files required to run the application. In other words, an image is a snapshot of an application.

  • Container: A container is a runtime instance of an image. It is a lightweight and portable executable package that contains an application and its dependencies. A container provides an isolated environment for running an application without interfering with the host system.

    • Engine: A container engine is a program that manages containers. It provides an interface to interact with containers and manages their lifecycle. The container engine creates and runs containers based on images, manages their resources, and provides networking and storage capabilities.
  1. What is the Difference between the Docker command COPY vs ADD?

In Docker, there are two commands that can be used to copy files from the host machine to a container: COPY and ADD. While both commands serve a similar purpose, there are some differences between them.

The COPY command is used to copy files and directories from the host machine to the container. It takes two arguments: the source file or directory on the host machine and the destination path in the container. Here's an example: /app/

In this example, the file on the host machine is copied to the /app/ directory in the container.

The ADD command, on the other hand, can do everything that COPY does, and more. In addition to copying files and directories, it can also extract compressed archives and download files from URLs. Here's an example:

    app.tar.gz /app/

In this example, the app.tar.gz archive is extracted and its contents are copied to the /app/ directory in the container.

While ADD can be more convenient for some use cases, it is generally recommended to use COPY when copying files and directories from the host machine to the container. This is because COPY is more transparent and predictable in its behavior, and it can be easier to troubleshoot issues that arise during the copying process.

  1. What is the Difference between the Docker command CMD vs RUN?

    In Docker, there are two commands that are often used in Dockerfiles: CMD and RUN. While both commands serve a different purpose, they are often confused with each other.

    The RUN command is used to execute commands during the build process of an image. This means that any changes made during the execution of RUN are persisted in the image. Here's an example:

     RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y python3

    In this example, the RUN command is used to update the package list and install Python 3 in the image.

    The CMD command, on the other hand, is used to specify the command that should be executed when a container is started from the image. This means that the command specified by CMD is only executed when a container is created, not during the build process. Here's an example:

     CMD ["python3", ""]

    In this example, the CMD command is used to specify that the script should be executed when a container is started.

    In summary, the RUN command is used during the build process to execute commands that modify the image, while the CMD command is used to specify the command that should be executed when a container is started from the image.

  2. How Will you reduce the size of the Docker image?

    Reducing the size of a Docker image is important for optimizing image transfer and storage, as well as reducing the attack surface for security purposes. Here are some ways to reduce the size of a Docker image:

    • Use a smaller base image: The choice of base image can greatly affect the size of the final image. Choosing a smaller and more minimal base image can significantly reduce the image size.

      • Remove unnecessary files: Removing unnecessary files and directories from the image can help reduce its size. This can be achieved by using the RUN command to delete files and directories after they are used during the build process.
    • Minimize the number of layers: Each command in a Dockerfile creates a new layer in the image, and multiple layers can quickly add up in size. By combining multiple commands into a single RUN command, the number of layers in the image can be minimized.

    • Use multi-stage builds: Multi-stage builds can be used to separate the build environment from the production environment. This can help reduce the size of the final image by only including the necessary files from the build environment.

    • Compress files and directories: Compressing files and directories before adding them to the image can help reduce the image size. This can be achieved using tools like tar or gzip.

    • Use Docker image optimization tools: There are several tools available that can automatically optimize Docker images by removing unnecessary files, compressing layers, and reducing the size of the final image.

  1. Why and when to use Docker?

  • Docker is a containerization platform that allows developers to package applications and their dependencies into portable, self-contained containers. Here are some reasons why and when to use Docker:

    • Consistency: Docker allows developers to create a consistent and reproducible environment for running applications, regardless of the underlying infrastructure. This ensures that the application behaves the same way in development, testing, and production environments.

    • Portability: Docker containers are portable and can be run on any platform that supports Docker, including laptops, servers, and cloud environments. This makes it easy to deploy and scale applications across different environments.

    • Isolation: Docker provides an isolated environment for running applications, which helps prevent conflicts between dependencies and ensures that the application runs as expected.

    • Resource efficiency: Docker containers are lightweight and share the host system's resources, which means that multiple containers can run on the same system without consuming too many resources.

    • Collaboration: Docker allows developers to share images and collaborate on the development and deployment of applications. This can speed up the development process and reduce the time to market for new applications.

    • Flexibility: Docker provides a flexible and modular architecture that can be used to build and deploy a wide range of applications, from small microservices to large monolithic applications.

  1. Explain the Docker components and how they interact with each other.

    Docker consists of several components that work together to provide a complete containerization platform. Here's a brief overview of the key Docker components and how they interact with each other:

    • Docker Engine: The Docker Engine is the core component of Docker that provides the runtime environment for Docker containers. It consists of a server that listens for Docker API requests and a command-line interface (CLI) for interacting with Docker.

    • Docker Images: Docker images are the building blocks for Docker containers. They contain all the dependencies and configuration needed to run an application. Docker images are created using a Dockerfile, which is a text file that contains a set of instructions for building an image.

    • Docker Containers: Docker containers are instances of Docker images that are running in an isolated environment. Each container has its own file system, networking, and resource limits. Docker containers can be started, stopped, and restarted as needed.

    • Docker Registry: Docker Registry is a central repository for storing and sharing Docker images. It can be used to store public or private images, and it can be accessed from anywhere in the world. Docker Hub is a popular public Docker Registry that contains a large collection of images.

    • Docker Compose: Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. It allows developers to define a set of services that can be run together in a single environment. Docker Compose uses a YAML file to define the services, their dependencies, and their configuration.

  1. Explain the terminology: Docker Compose, Docker File, Docker Image, Docker Container?

    Here's a short explanation of each Docker terminology:

    • Docker Compose : A tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications.

    • Dockerfile: A set of instructions for building a Docker image.

    • Docker image: A packaged, executable file that includes everything needed to run an application.

    • Docker container: A lightweight, standalone executable package that runs an application in an isolated environment.

  1. In what real scenarios have you used Docker?

    • Containerization and deployment of web applications

    • Microservices architecture

    • Continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipelines

    • Testing and development environments

    • Cloud computing and serverless computing

    • Big data and machine learning applications

    • Desktop virtualization and remote workstations.

  1. Docker vs Hypervisor?

    Here's a brief comparison of Docker and hypervisors:

    • Docker operates at the application level, while hypervisors operate at the operating system level.

    • Docker containers are smaller and more lightweight than virtual machines created by hypervisors.

    • Docker containers share the same host operating system, while virtual machines created by hypervisors each have their own separate operating system.

    • Docker is designed for use in a microservices architecture, while hypervisors are more commonly used in monolithic applications.

  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using docker?

    Here are the advantages and disadvantages of using Docker in short:


    • Portability: Docker allows you to package applications and dependencies into portable containers that can be run on any machine that supports Docker, regardless of the underlying operating system.

    • Consistency: Docker ensures that the environment in which an application runs is consistent across different development, testing, and production environments, reducing the risk of runtime errors due to inconsistencies.

    • Isolation: Docker containers provide a high degree of isolation between applications, which reduces the risk of conflicts between applications and improves security.

    • Efficiency: Docker containers are lightweight and consume fewer resources than traditional virtual machines, which reduces the costs associated with running and scaling applications.


  • Complexity: Docker adds an additional layer of complexity to application deployment, which can increase the learning curve for developers and operations teams.

  • Security: Docker containers can be vulnerable to security risks if they are not properly configured and managed.

  • Persistence: By default, Docker containers are designed to be ephemeral, which means that any data or changes made within the container will be lost when the container is stopped or deleted. This requires additional configuration to ensure data persistence.

  • Performance: Although Docker containers are lightweight, they can still introduce a performance overhead compared to running applications natively on the host operating system.

  1. What is a Docker namespace?

    In short, a Docker namespace is a way to isolate resources (such as processes, network interfaces, and file systems) between containers and the host system. Docker namespaces allow multiple containers to run on the same host without interfering with each other or with the host system. Each Docker namespace creates a unique view of a particular resource, so that it appears to the container as if it has its own isolated copy of that resource, while in reality it is sharing the same underlying resource with other containers. There are several types of namespaces used by Docker, including the PID namespace for isolating process IDs, the network namespace for isolating network interfaces, and the mount namespace for isolating file systems.

  2. What is a Docker registry?

    Docker registry is a central location where Docker images are stored and distributed. It is similar to a code repository, but instead of containing source code, it contains Docker images that can be used to run applications. Docker registries can be public or private, and can be used to store images for use within an organization or to share images with the wider community. The most commonly used public Docker registry is Docker Hub, which allows users to store and share Docker images, and also provides an easy way to search for and download images created by other users. Private Docker registries can also be set up within an organization to store and distribute custom images that are not publicly available.

  3. What is an entry point?

    An entry point in Docker is a command that is executed when a container is started from an image. It can be thought of as the default command that runs when a container is started and is specified in the Dockerfile using the ENTRYPOINT directive. The entry point can be useful for setting up the container environment or for starting a specific process or application. It can be overridden by passing a command to the docker run command.

  4. How to implement CI/CD in Docker?

    • Set up a version control system (VCS) such as Git and create a repository for your project.

    • Create a Dockerfile that defines the environment and dependencies needed to run your application.

    • Use a CI/CD tool such as Jenkins or GitLab CI/CD to automate the build process for your Docker image. The CI/CD tool can be configured to trigger a build when changes are pushed to the VCS repository.

    • Push the built Docker image to a Docker registry such as Docker Hub or a private registry.

    • Use an orchestration tool such as Kubernetes or Docker Compose to deploy the Docker container to a production environment.

    • Use a continuous monitoring and testing tool to ensure that the deployed application is running smoothly and any issues are detected and resolved quickly.

By implementing CI/CD in Docker, you can streamline the development and deployment process, reduce errors, and ensure that your application is running reliably and efficiently.

  1. Will data on the container be lost when the docker container exits?

    In short, data on a Docker container will be lost when the container exits if the data is stored only in the container's writable layer. This is because the container's writable layer is a temporary file system that is created when the container is started and is deleted when the container exits.

    To persist data across container restarts, you can use Docker volumes or bind mounts. Docker volumes allow data to be stored outside the container's writable layer, while bind mounts allow a directory on the host system to be mounted into the container.

    By using volumes or bind mounts, data can be stored independently of the container and can be reused across container restarts or even across multiple containers. This can be useful for storing configuration files, application data, or databases.

  2. What is a Docker swarm?

    Docker swarm is a clustering and orchestration tool that allows you to manage multiple Docker hosts as a single virtual system. It provides features for scaling, load balancing, service discovery, and high availability, making it easy to deploy and manage containers across multiple hosts.

  3. What are the docker commands for the following:

  • view running containers

      docker ps
  • command to run the container under a specific name

  •   docker run -td --name <container_name> <image_name> /bin/bash
  • command to export a docker

      docker export <container-name-or-id> > container.tar

    This will export the contents of the container to a file called container.tar in your current directory.

    Note that docker export does not include the container's metadata, such as its name, entry point, or command. It only exports the contents of the container's file system.

    To export a Docker image as a tar archive, you can use the docker save command followed by the name or ID of the image and redirect the output to a file. For example:

      docker save <image-name-or-id> > image.tar

    This will save the image as a tar archive called image.tar in your current directory.

  • command to import an already existing docker image

      docker load < image.tar
      docker pull <image-name>
  • commands to delete a container

      docker rm <container_id>
  • command to remove all stopped containers, unused networks, build caches, and dangling images?

      docker system prune -a
  • What are the common docker practices to reduce the size of Docker Image?

    Here are some common Docker practices to reduce the size of Docker images:

    • Use a smaller base image: Instead of using a large base image such as Ubuntu or CentOS, use a smaller base image such as Alpine Linux, which is designed to be small and lightweight.

    • Minimize the number of layers: Each command in a Dockerfile creates a new layer in the image. Minimizing the number of layers reduces the image size and speeds up the build process.

    • Use multi-stage builds: Multi-stage builds allow you to use multiple Dockerfiles in a single build, resulting in smaller and more efficient images.

    • Use .dockerignore: The .dockerignore file allows you to specify files or directories that should be excluded from the build context. This reduces the amount of data sent to the Docker daemon and improves build performance.

    • Remove unnecessary files: Make sure to remove any unnecessary files or packages from your image, as they can significantly increase the size of the image.

    • Use Docker image layers efficiently: Make sure to order the instructions in the Dockerfile in such a way that Docker can take advantage of image layers. For example, place instructions that are unlikely to change at the top of the Dockerfile.

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